Alternative energy should be generate earlier. there is no more fossil fuel for the planet. let's go ! save the energy
Selasa, 13 November 2007
Energy Efficiency Education
Energy Efficiency Education for Children

it is easier to build strong children, rather than repair broken man. we are understand that to build children characteristic is easier than to changing mind of the adults.

the children behaviour can be build earlier if we know it, especially in term of using energy.

Teaching children to understand where the energy came from, and how can the energy transform is important.

that is why, we should educate our children to be effective and efficient using energyl

posted by DS Store @ 18.26  
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Name: DS Store
Home: Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
About Me: Segala sesuatu selalu dimulai dari sejarah. Begitu juga dengan Binter Merzy. Sebelum era motor plastik di mulai, sepeda motor ini menjadi idola untuk dimodifikasi maupun dibiarkan tampil standar.
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